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Metzy's Cantina

Metzy's Cantina

MexicanCaterers/Suppliers - Food & BeverageFood Trucks and Carts

About Us

Metzy's is a high-end Street-Food focused company, dedicated to serving ultra high quality Taqueria-style Street Food. Metzy's Cantina is the home-base-of-operations for all of Metzy's Mobile food in the Greater Newburyport area, and is also a fantastic and fun full-service Restaurant/Bar conveniently located in the NBPT Train Depot building.. Check out our delivery and Catering options as well. 978-255-7347

Metzy's has engineered a menu that relies on a very limited ingredients list, and is elegantly simple yet deep with flavor and freshness.

Some examples include the fact that we shuck our own lobsters (summertime), so we can serve the sweetest and freshest lobster meat in our famous lobster tacos. We buy the best and most tender steak available and large shrimp, because that is what our customers expect from us. Our Sweet Potato/Black Bean recipe (''Sweet Balls'') is a cult favorite for vegetarians.

Because of the way that our recipes utilize a limited range of ingredients, we can offer a wide variety of menu options for our customers, while still having the freshest food around. This is the essence of how and why we have been successful - limited ingredients make it easier to have FRESH ingredients, and consistency in flavor profiles.

We currently serve our customers at Metzy's Cantina (#5 Boston Way Newburyport @ the MBTA Commuter Rail Train Station), Please visit our web-site or Facebook for updated daily schedules, daily specials and locations. We update the sites daily by 10. Also, follow us on Twitter and Instagram.


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Rep/Contact Info

Kelly Martin
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Mr. Erik Metzdorf
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Cori Stevens
Lisa Vanbuskirk

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