Triton High School Career Week
Triton High School is excited to host its annual Career Week, March 24-28, 2025. We are looking for professionals from a wide variety of career backgrounds to speak with our students. This is an excellent opportunity to mentor a young person and make this a day of service. You will have the opportunity to talk about your personal/professional journey, educational background/training and what a day in the life is like in your profession. This will be a roundtable discussion format where students will be rewarded with raffle tickets/spins on the prize wheel for their active participation. Props and goodies are always welcome! I am also looking for a company who would be interested in hosting a group of 30 or so of our high school students at your place of business, Friday, Mar. 28.
Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 25, 2025 Wednesday Mar 26, 2025
Tuesday, Mar. 25: 12p Lunch, 12:30-2:13p Event OR Wednesday, Mar. 26 12p Lunch, 12:30-2:13p Event You are also encouraged to staff a table for a 2nd session on Mon. Mar. 24 and/or Thurs. Mar. 27.
Triton High School Library
FREE to participate and a complimentary lunch from Port City will be provided at 12pm on Tuesday & Wednesday (generously sponsored by the Merrimack Valley Workforce Board MassHire)
Contact Information
Karyn Cassidy
THS Career Readiness Counselor
Send Email