Newburyport Spring Festival
A tradition for over 30 years held Sunday & Monday of Memorial Day Weekend. Celebrate the season in downtown Newburyport! Enjoy great live music, art, fine crafts, activities for kids, shopping in Newburyport's finest stores and food from Newburyport's best restaurants.
- Kids Entertainment from 10:30-11:30am in Market Square with Lindsay & Her Puppet Pals - Puppetry and Storytelling Performance
- NEW!! 12-5 pm Sunday only - CARNIVAL Area! Rides, Bouncie Houses, Pony Rides, Music, Beer Garden - $5 Entrance Fee (kids under age 10 FREE, rain date May 30th)
- Live Music in Market Square with Higher Ground - Classic rock from 1-4pm
- FREE shuttle Sunday only available from the Newburyport Commuter Rail Station on 25 Boston Way to Merrimac St/Downtown ($4 to park at commuter rail)
- Kids Entertainment from 10:30-11:30am in Market Square with Pete and Chris Amusements - Magic Show
- Live Music in Market Square with the sounds of Jumpstreet - Wide range of music from current hits, contemporary & classic rock, soul, R&B, jump and blues from 1-4pm
Vendors are now being accepted for several types of spaces. Please click on the appropriate application for more information.
- Artisian / Crafter
- Newburyport Retailer
- Member Non-Profit
- Food Vendor - Food Vendors must also fill out a City Health Application and abide by all health regulations.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available: Click here
Make sure to SAVE THE DATE - Fall Harvest Festival is October 9 & 10

Date and Time
Sunday May 29, 2016 Monday May 30, 2016
Sunday and Monday
May 29 & 30
10am - 5pm
Rain or Shine
Contact Information
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